The Photon Belt As the Magic Wand of Your Life

Are you able to keep heart and be brave as our world seems to have a time of enormous change and even at times of upheaval?  

Are you willing to let go and release all of your creations that are tied to old timelines that make you feel stuck, dense, lost, anxious or depressed about your life?   

You might have read in my blog, The Potential for Greatness In the Photon Belt, that our solar system is immersed in energy that helps you lose constraints of time and density and gain access to higher dimensions of existence.  

As a human being the photonic energy affects you in a unique way if you hold the perspective that you are more than your physical body, that you are also your energetic bodies and your spirit.   

The Photon Belt of energy shines light on the areas of your life, body, energy bodies, society and world where you have created and have anchored into density, much of which no longer serves you as an individual and certainly does not serve the collective.  

This is why lately it seems at times that the entire planet is crying out for help in their confusion of what is happening globally. 

We as a planet are literally lightening up and expanding...

All that photonic light energy absorbs with the matter of your energetic and physical structure, shedding light on the dormant aspects that are encoded in your DNA and activating the full potential for your expression of being a Human on Earth.  

As a result you expand from a denser cellular structure to a more crystalline light structure, activating the full potential of your life already encoded within you.  

You awaken to the TRUTH of your ability to create as the Being of Source that you are made to be - a Being of limitless potential and expansion- supported in your endeavors of awakening as a Sovereign Creator of your Universe.  

You may make any changes in your life you wish as the Source-point being in your universe.  

Do you wonder about stories you’ve heard about of people with magic wands?  This is where the access to the energy of the Photon Belt starts to appear.  This time you get to be the magician of your life story!  

The truth is that you always have been the magician but simply didn’t know it

As you hold more of this light that moves at the speed of light, you become aware that you create your own universe with what seems like a magical ability to fold timelines and shake off constraints of notions of time.

Life speeds up NOT in a way that makes you feel frenzied and rushed, but in a way that you experience your life exactly as you wish it to be in the NOW moment.  

The denser matter that makes up your life in the 3D is constrained by time, decay and death.  As you learn to create your life from crystalline light structures, you create in the NOW moment with rapid manifestation of your wishes.

Would you like to manifest your potential to hold more and more light and to witness stepping into your Sovereignty as the Creator of your full potential?  

This is what I do when I work closely with my clients.  All the work I do comes through as light and sacred geometry, the formational structures through which we create our own universe.

In Lightyears, clients experience an actual unwinding of all formation lines including an activation of technology that we all hold within us to create our own universes.  

Clients have told me repeatedly that they feel their power-potential as their encoded abilities ACTIVATE, release and flourish.  

Would you like to feel immensely powerful as your ability to hold the light allows for access into higher dimensions of existence?  It is possible for you to do so NOW, in this lifetime.   

This access is the TRUE power of working with light that I provide when holding space for clients to release and heal their denser structures so they hold the light of creation.

May your life be exactly as you wish it to be.


A Technique to Create the Observer Perspective


The Potential for Greatness In the Photon Belt