Lightyear Healing

Lightyears Healing Testimonials

“One of the most memorable things you gave in the healing was the love that I could feel. I could literally feel my heart expand like a multi-universe, transcending time/energy and feeling the deep support of my guides really being there. I love how you walk us through the components so I can visually see a lot of it, which was so very cool.

~ Deb Farina, Attract by Design TM”

“With Lightyears, I saw things I’ve never seen before. My gift is clairvoyance and that got so amplified, especially since then, even in my dreams. All this stuff got burned away in a flame of transmutation in Lightyears. I can see and have so much more access to information now but also have the freedom to express it. I can bring forward everything I need to bring forward without so much fear and terror that I’ve had in the past.
Now what I’m experiencing is the freedom to be able to come forward. I’m seeing so much. Even my dreams are so active and filled with messages. This healing is massive. Thank You.”

~ Adrian Walker Hall, Channel for 5D Crystalline Emotion

“I’ve had a strong connection to Gaia, but my break has been with Source. In SoulPrint, what it did was lit up the fractured pieces of me. In Jewish weddings you step a glass and all the fractured pieces are like all the pieces of life you have to put back together in the marriage. What it showed me was as if I was a piece of stepped on glass in this life to put everything back together. As we did SoulPrint pieces were lighting up in me. It was highlighting all different past lives that in my journey in this life had been brought up, and it tied it all together. It was about bringing me back to my beginning. It tied all the pieces throughout all my lives and started making me whole. I came away from SoulPrint blown away by that wholeness and that solidness. For one of the first times in my life, I didn’t feel alone or lonely because I was back with me. Fear left me totally- all survival fear – everything.

When I did Lightyears it took the work that I had been doing to awaken to Divinity and it totally deepened it. It showed me my perceived reality and it took away all the dimensions and all questions. Since then, I’ve really cemented into being the observer within me. Tolerance and patience have arisen and a total acceptance of what is.

It’s allowing me to see the authenticity and fullness of other things. That’s my gift. I’m not reacting. I’m letting go of any guilt or ropes or ties to any causes of pain in my life. I think that’s the beauty of what’s really happened because it allows me to fully stand in being who I am without the mud affecting it. I’ve got to thank you for that. The hooks are gone.”

~ Lois Harrison, Bright Moments Wellness & Sound the Gongs!

“Since SoulPrint, I call it my “superpower”, I have these rays of light that just shoot out of my fingertips. They go into people’s body where I want to direct them to. They send spiral energy. They send goddess energy. It started out as Heart of Creation kind of light. I’m finding a lot of people need pink light: unconditional love. It’s so much fun. Beaming Light Rays. It’s really exciting. Every person I’ve done it on felt it really strongly, even if they don’t feel energy usually.”

~ Sandra Mayeux, Empowered Goddesses

“Oh, Pamela, you can MOVE energy like nothing I've ever experienced before! During our session, I felt ‘so much energy’ moving through me that my physical body was vibrating and you accurately described what I saw in my inner vision -- the colors, the Divine Aspect, the images -- even though I didn't share it with you!
I felt the magic working in other aspects of my being as well. I felt taller, bigger and stronger and I could feel potent, transformational energy flooding through me and radiating out. It felt like I was finally coming home to the real me. Your work has guided and supported me in feeling comfortable about being myself, about speaking up, and speaking my truth . I love this work so much...thank you so, so much, Pamela! You are beyond amazing!”

~Shantini Rajah, Intuitive Writing & Spiritual Expression Coach, Healer & Founder of the 1Healing Breath Method